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Thank you for all your hard work!

You have prepared your house to impress buyers and thoughtfully priced it to motivate them. Now, I can market it to attract them.


You’ve planned for successful showings and rearranged your schedule to make your house available to buyers who want to see it. Now, we want the buyers who have toured your house to choose it as the one they want to buy!


1. We Find Out What They Thought


I call their agent before they come

I thank them for scheduling to see your house, and I point out great features for them to notice. I let them know we would love to work with their buyers, and I ask them to let me know if they have any questions.


I ask for feedback right away

I send an email request to their agent while they are still at your house. I ask what their buyers think of your home.


I keep asking so you can know

If they have not responded by that evening, I send another request. If they have not responded by the next day, I call to ask.


We respond appropriately

If they love it and plan to write an offer, I’ll let you know so we can be ready. If they don’t like it, I’ll try to find out if there was a problem we could address so we have a better chance with the next buyer. If they like it but aren’t taking action, I don’t just wait to see if anything will happen. I encourage them to choose yours. If they still aren’t responding, I try to find out what it would take for your house to be their first choice


Image by Douglas Sheppard

2. We Find Out What It Would Take


I find out what I can about them

What attracted them to your house in the first place? Who is the house for? Single? Couple? Family? Etc..? Are they local or moving to the area? What is important to them? Location? Size? Layout? Lot? View? Etc..? The better I understand what’s important to them, the better I can demonstrate why your house can be a great fit for their priorities.


I find out what is stopping them

Is there a change they want that we could help them make if the price is right? Is there a missing feature they really want that we could add if the other details make sense? Is there a price that would make your house their first choice instead of others they are thinking about?


I try to persuade them to make an offer

Without promising that you will agree, I encourage them to make you a reasonable, written offer. I would rather bring you a low offer than no offer—now that they are focused on your house, maybe we can negotiate terms you like.


Image by Jared Rice

3. We Negotiate Terms You Like​


I use their offer to motivate others

I let other buyers & their agents know we have an offer we’ll need to respond to. Hopefully we can get others to make offers too!


We focus on your priorities

We will evaluate all offers by their bottom line for you. We will also look for alignment on important things like timing, inclusions, and other details.


We seek their best offer

We can negotiate with the buyers whose offer best fits with your priorities. We will seek a win-win agreement with them—both you and they must be happy with the terms, because a lot of cooperation is required to get to a successful closing. I will let you know when I believe we have negotiated the best terms we are likely to get from these buyers. I’ll also give you my professional opinion about how likely we might be to get a better offer from someone else if we keep marketing.


You choose whether to sell to them

This is your house—only you can choose whether to sell to these buyers!

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(719) 337-3901

Priority Home Realty Group    •    17025 Lovaca Dr, Peyton CO 80831    •    Colorado License # EC 100028484     •      REALTOR®

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